Introduction: Ring Modulator Pedal

The ring modulator guitar pedal instructions and schematics provided here piss your guitar sound like a low-fi synthesizer. This electric circuit uses a standard guitar input to make a modulated square wave output. It besides includes a trickle which helps to soften the signal a fleck, and adds some resonance to pass sound Sir Thomas More outer-spacy. This pedal is a fun and easy weekend project that could well equal customized to suit your aesthetic preferences.

Check out the video for a brief demo of how the pedal works. My performin doesn't do magistrate to the potential of this wheel.

To memorize more more or less the parts victimized in this project run down the Electronics Assort.

Tone 1: Materials

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Step 2: About the Circuit

This circuit is based upon ii of Tim Escobedo's circuit snippets which some have been restricted slightly and combined together. The signal first passes through a ring modulator stage which is supported an LMC567. For all intents and purposes, this essentially turns the guitar betoken into a conventional wave and get in reasoned like a robot. The robot-hearable signal then goes through an changeable low-lying pass strain based on a TL071 op amp. This adjustable sink in serves to clipping higher frequencies, add vibrancy, and makes the signal a little fewer harsh.

Step 3: Design and Print the PCB

Once I had the circuit tested connected a bread board and traced out on paper, my next step was to fabricate a PCB. To exercise this, I followed the steps in my PCB Design Class for creating and manufacturing a racing circuit board.

However, you could always just build up the electrical circuit on a proto control panel.

Step 4: Assemble the Plank

Next maltreat is to assemble the PCB Eastern Samoa specified in the schematic.

Don't trouble at this moment about attaching all of the external components like the potentiometers, jacks, and switch. Wiring those right is going to happen in a a few steps.

Measure 5: Drill Mounting Holes

Drill mounting holes victimization the loving templet.

If you take over ne'er done this before, I commend checking out the DIY Guitar Pedal instructable for an in-depth illustration on the proper way to drill an enclosure using a scout.

Step out 6: Adjustment Holes

Erstwhile the potentiometer mounting holes are drilled, the next step is to create smaller holes just larboard of to each one peerless for the pot's registration tab. This prevents the pot from spinning in situ once affixed and also helps mount it flush to the enclosure.

The easiest fashio to mark where to drill is to introduce the potentiometer into the hole upside down and back. Then, wiggle IT backward and forward until you create a scoring.

Drill this marking with a 1/8" drill bit.

Step 7: Wire the Potentiometers

Attach green wires to the center and the right-hand pin for from each one of the potentiometers.

Tie a black telegraph to the left-hand immobilize on the 50K pot and also one of the 100K potentiometers.

Finally, solder each potentiometer to the board as appropriate (as mere by the schematic). Keep in Hokkianese the center pin of the 50K volume potentiometer does not catch soldered to the board. Instead, this leave bind to the foot switch.

Step out 8: Connect the Transposition and Jacks

Speaking of the foot flip, now is metre to wire it up.

Wire put together one of the sets of outer pins on the switch.

Side by side, tie the impressive tab from the mono jack to the middle-of-the-road pin, and the signal tab from the stereo jack to the other center pin.

Connect the wire from the 50K potentiometer to the another set of outer pins such that it is in-line with the mono jack.

Finally, connect the remaining free outside connection to the audio input (IN+) on the circle board.

Step 9: Attach the 9V Battery Snap bean

The stereo jack is going to service as the business leader switch by making or breakage the ground connectedness when a mono stopper is inserted.

Solder the ground connection from the 9V electric battery snap to the metal tab connected to the littler signal prong.

Connect a total darkness wire between the stereo jack's bbl gob solder lozenge and the ground input on the board.

Dance step 10: Print the Decal (optional)

The decal is both for aesthetics and to hide the potentiometer mounting registration holes.

To print the decalcomania I printed the prickle onto vinyl sheeting using a plotter printer, and so diluted information technology out by hand.

This was a deviation from initial plan which was to cut taboo each color separately using a desktop vinyl radical cutter. This method should work just Eastern Samoa well.

If you have neither a vinyl printer and/OR cutter you can purchase sticker paper for your desktop pressman and use that. Although, information technology might not reckon as finished or be as serviceable>

If you are feeling rich, you seat just pay somebody to make the decal for you.

If you are flavour poor, you can just skip this step.

Step 11: Apply the Decalcomania

Carefully apply the decal to the enclosure.

Cut off the pot mounting holes if necessary.

Step 12: Impound Velcro

Apply adhesive Velcro pads to the posterior of the circle board and 9V electric battery. Then, stick both to the inside of the lid.

This serves some to hold everything in place, and insulate it from the metal inclosure.

Step 13: Case Closed

Once you have done that, skinny the case back up.

Mistreat 14: Finishing Touches

The conclusion affair to do is to mount the knobs to the pot.

Once you have done that, you are ready to rock-and-roll.

From left to right the knobs control modulation frequency, resonance, filter cutoff frequency and mass.

Shine on you enthusiastic diamonds.

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